Library Policy

Reference Code: SPL0014 Classification: Student Services
Approved Date
16 Aug 2024
Date Effective
16 Aug 2024
Review Date
16 August 2027
Approved By
Academic Board



1. This policy outlines the terms of membership for Nan Tien Institute (NTI) Library, and the borrowing rights of its users.



2. NTI offers free membership in the following categories:

Category Description Membership terms
Student Individuals enrolled in study at NTI Automatic for duration of study, then eligible for Alumni membership
Cross-Institutional Student Individuals enrolled in an NTI subject through their studies at another university Automatic for duration of one semester, then eligible for Community membership
NTI Staff Individuals currently employed at NTI Automatic for duration of employment, then eligible for Community membership
Teaching Staff Permanent academic staff currently employed at NTI Automatic for duration of employment, then eligible for Community membership
Sessional/Contract Staff Individuals contracted to design or deliver teaching at NTI Automatic for duration of employment, then eligible for Community membership
Community Member The general public, i.e. individuals with no education or professional relationship to NTI Apply via Membership Form
Alumni Member Individuals who have graduated from their studies at NTI Apply via Membership Form

Policy Statement

3. This policy applies to all membership categories. 

4. Staff and student cards serve as a library card, and guest members will be provided with a card upon completion of membership processing.


5. In accordance with the NTI Privacy Policy, the Library collects data and personal information when it is directly related to and necessary for the delivery of library services. The Library takes all reasonable steps to protect personal information from loss, unauthorised access, use, modification or disclosure, and against all other misuse. See NTI's Privacy Policy for further details.


6. All members are responsible for abiding by the borrowing conditions outlined in this policy. All members are responsible for the condition of items while on loan, and for checking emails for Library communications including overdue and recall notices.

7. All borrowed items will be returned to the Library when an individual's study or employment ceases, or when their membership is discontinued.

Systems and Procedures

Borrowing Conditions

Member type

Max loans

Loan period


Inter-library loans

Postal loans

Database access




4 weeks


Research project students only

Yes (cover return postage)



Cross-Institutional Student


4 weeks



Yes (cover return postage)



NTI Staff


3 weeks



Yes (cover return postage)



Teaching Staff


12 weeks



Yes (cover return postage)


Can recall borrowed items

Sessional/Contracted Staff


6 weeks



Yes (cover return postage)



Community Members


3 weeks





Course texts and short loans prioritised to students and staff

Alumni Members


3 weeks



Yes (cover return postage)


Course texts and short loans prioritised to students and staff


Postal Loans

8. Students and staff who live outside the area may request to have loans delivered by post (this excludes large Items).

9. Postage is free, however students and staff will cover any costs for return postage.

Inter-library loans

10. NTI academic staff and Masters students producing a research project are able to request inter-library loans from other libraries around Australia, for items not held at NTI.

11. Borrowing conditions are set by the lending library. The Library will inform members of any conditions attached to the loan.


12. Members are able to place a reserve on an item to ensure they are next in line to borrow. This applies to items that are available for loan, or items currently out on loan.

13. The item will be set aside for one week to await collection. After 7 days the reserve will expire and the item will be returned to the shelf and available for loan to other members.


14. See section Borrowing Conditions for renewals available to each membership category. Items can be renewed via a member's Library Account, or via phone, email or in person.

15. Items cannot be renewed if they have been reserved by another member.


16. Items may be returned to the Library during opening hours, or by post.

17. Items cannot be returned to Nan Tien Temple. Individuals who are unable to return items during opening hours or by post may contact the Library to make alternative arrangements.

Overdue Items

18. Members will receive five emails notifying them of their loan status:

1) An advance notice of items soon due
2) A notice that items are now due
3) First notice that items are a week overdue
4) Second notice that items are over a week overdue
5) Third notice that items are four weeks overdue, and borrowing is now restricted until the overdue items are returned

19. Overdue items may be renewed to remove overdue status and reinstate borrowing rights if the maximum number of renewals has not been exceeded. The Library recognises circumstances where members may have difficulty returning items, particularly in circumstances where students travel to NTI for study or study online. Extended renewals may be permitted for extenuating circumstances at the Librarian's discretion.

Lost/Damaged Items

20. The Library charges fines for:

  • Lost or very overdue items (items not returned within 6 months of due date)
  • Damaged items

21. Items that fall into these categories will incur a fine of:

  • Replacement fee equal to commercial value of item, plus
  • $10 processing fee

22. Fines apply to all Library members, regardless of member category.

23. Queries regarding fines should be directed to Library staff.

Invoice and Payment

24. Invoices are generated by Accounting and delivered by the Library. Members may pay fines via:

Method Cash or credit card
Where Student Services Desk (NTI campus Level 2)
Phone (02) 4258 0740

25. Members may wish to appeal a fine by providing reasons for extenuating circumstances. Appeals may be addressed to the Library via email.


Version Date Approved Date Effective Approved By Amendment
1 19 Oct 2019 19 Oct 2019
1 22 Oct 2019 22 Oct 2019
2 10 Nov 2020 10 Nov 2020 Education Committee
3 27 May 2022 27 May 2022 Academic Board
4 16 Aug 2024 16 Aug 2024 Academic Board